
What is Web Site Security Audit?

To secure a website or web application, you first need to understand the target application, how it works, and the scope behind it. Ideally, the penetration tester should have some basic skills in programming and scripting languages as well as web security. Site Vulnerability  identifies the security risks of your site by looking for weaknesses in your website code, detecting flaws in your web server settings, and the results of viruses, Trojans, or worms.  Web Site Security Audit  does this by scanning your web site from the outside to find system and application vulnerabilities. Web Site Security Audit  uses technology which was originally developed for large companies but is designed, delivered and evaluated to help each website owner evaluate and manage their security on the site. A security audit on the site usually consists of two steps. Most often, the first step is usually to initiate an automated scan. Depending on the result and complexity of the site, a